Updates for Skillzrun

December 16, 2021

Hi everybody. Hope all is well with you. 

We wanted to share with you the latest news about the SkillzRun platform and the new features that we integrated in the fall of 2021. As the number of clients grows, we get more and more requests for specific features, which we implement in the standalone/white label versions. But over time, we have realized that some of them could be useful for all of our users, and we decided to make those features accessible to everyone.  Here are some of them: 


“Homework” Evolution

“Homework” is what we call a type of exercise where the student’s answer is verified by the teacher or tutor in the backoffice. As it has become a major feature for our customers, we’ve expanded the homework functionality by adding an icon to the navigation bar, the ability to set notifications, and the ability to create a task without having it connected to a lesson.


 Also, the role of teacher has been added to the backoffice (a teacher is someone who can verify the homework and see the content and statistics of the students). 


Company Personalization

Emails that students receive from the SkillzRun platform now will arrive with the name of the school or company (we are also working on the ability to personalize the sender box). Also, a unique link (www.web.skillzrun.com/company_name) is now generated automaticaly for each company, so that students or clients can easily find their course.



Reporting : Attendance and Performance

It is now possible in the backoffice to mark the attendance of students to classes or events, and download an attendance report. We also plan to add student performance statistics for each lesson to this report.



Access Control  

We have added extensive options for restricting student access to course materials. While previously we made level packs that allow you to flexibly give access to levels in any combination, now you will be able to customize the timing of access to the entire item and level sets by:

  • Opening access right away or on the desired date
  • Closing access after a certain number of days or on a desired date


Access for the whole course is set individually for each student, and access for the level packs can be also set by group.

We’ve added the ability to give access to a lesson only to those who need it. 

level packs

You can now make the lesson private by default and grant access to it at your discretion. 

Users can be individually assigned to a lesson, or you can give the whole group access to the lesson. Access is removed in the same way as it is given out: by removing someone from the list of “allowed” students


In-app Youtube live

Many of our clients host webinars for their employees or students. This is often done using YouTube. Previously, we had the option to insert a link to an event that would take the user to an external resource such as YouTube or Zoom. Now, a webinar on YouTube can be watched directly from the event page without leaving the SkillzRun application. 

What next?

For winter 2021/2022, we have planned to create a student dashboard: a page with an interactive infographic of a student’s overall performance. And of course, we will continue to work on improving the platform based on your requests. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our old and new customers for their trust and engagement. You are the driver that allows us to continue developing effectively!


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